What Problem Students Face Preparing For Entrance Exams? Solutions?
We actually selecting right path, will we be able to clear exam? Are some questions that popped up into our mind when we are about to start preparation for our entrance exams just after our higher secondary examination.
Today’s generation is more focussing on problems they are facing while preparing for exams and they lose their confidence and focus. Yes, there are problems, a lot of problems; but there are solutions for all the problems.
So, one should focus on their dreams rather than giving importance to the so called ‘problems’ and this is the only shortcut to overcome all the obstacles in the journey and to achieve a good rank get choice of seat in any college or university.
Everyone believes that their problems or obstacles are bigger than others and no one would understand but believe it every student faces such situation in their life.
Only the scenario is, ‘problems ‘are personal, like what you feel may not be the same for others or vice-versa. But the concept is same every one undergoes same issues with different perspective.
Here we’ll tell you what one experienced as well as what are the common problems that generally the aspirants face.
1)Firstly, a person preparing for any entrance exam faces a lot of negativity, and this negativity could bring down a person to a level where he could lose all hopes and won’t be able to achieving his/her goal.
And, this picture reflects it very well. A person facing negativity won’t be able to see glass half full because his focus was shifted towards empty space. At a point of time, when you are filled with negativity and have no way to go, you become blind towards solution, then it really sucks.
You start believing that you are not good or up to the mark. It is just a mere obstacle which you can easily avoid by believing and preparing the best. So, in such situation one had to take a risk of going forward and chasing what they want.
“Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.” Tina Fey
2) Secondly, a lot of people don’t believe in you which could create disbelief in oneself. When you are trying to achieve for any entrance exam, you have to face a lot like this. Starting from relatives, neighbours, everyone mentioned that its extremely difficult, are you sour, don’t waste your time, just go for simple graduation.
But, as you, know solution flows side by side. Your family and friends are always beside you giving you strength and believing in you.
And such positive people around helped a lot to overcome such situation and they ignited a hell lot of confidence inside oneself which would help you through the whole journey.
3) Now, coming to a very important point for the dropouts. Some aspirant’s dropout 1 or few year to prepare and crack the exam to achieve their dream profession! But at point some start thinking that they are definitely wasting time.
Even people around start talking about you and, this gives rise to a mind full of ‘What I am doing!’ if I would have done something else would be better and ‘I shouldn’t have chosen this path’ kind of things!
You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Please, avoid those people who ignite any kind of negativity in you while when one need motivation in such crucial times. No matter what happens, what everyone tells you, you must believe in yourself and in upcoming years you are going to achieve the heights amongst your pears and you will definitely get refund for the time and passions you have given for the exam.
Someone correctly said “Just pick a goal, a goal you truly want to achieve, and take a clear-eyed look at your weaknesses-not so you’ll feel less confident, but so you can determine exactly what you need to work on.
Then get to work. Celebrate small successes. Analyse your weaknesses. Keep going. As you gain skill, you’ll also gain a feeling of genuine confidence, one that can never be taken away-because you’ve earned it.”
4) The next generalized problem is Amotivation that is, sometime one start thinking why and what they actually doing and lack the kick for moving forward. It is just that whatever you are doing believe in it. There is nothing wrong in opting for a dream profession. Life is long you’ll get many chances no option is right or wrong it’s just you because you know yourself the best.
Overcoming any such situation and staying positive and motivated will help to avoid any kind of miseries.
Read Here: do and don’ts for exam preparation
5) Many students try to look for shortcuts and have entirely different study plan. They end up think that whether their way of preparation is right and in correct direction would they will get success or not. They start losing faith in themselves and think whether they are giving their best for it or not.
This a problem is not big at all. One knows their own potential and strengths, if they strongly follow them, will achieve success.
6) Finally, the biggest problem that students are facing in current scenario of Pandemic Covid-19 is, when would they be able to give their exams? Everyone is thinking about the dilemma that whether the exam will be conducted in this or that month or would be cancelled.
Some aspirants are getting anxious while wait for the next notification to come in the official website.
This is becoming a great problem for the dropout students. They are becoming demoralized and disheartened even facing anxiety issues. But if you want to achieve your dreams and have belief in them then nothing can stop you from achieving them. “Everyone has problems, but don’t lose your happiness just because you focus too much on your problems.”
This time phase will pass and you will get what you are prolonging for a long time. This situation is same for every one and they understand the delay nobody is asking anything or objecting to your delay so keep faith and positivity in yourself.
Like these, there are hundreds of problems that individual faces while preparing for entrance exams, but the truth is they are not more important than your dreams. if you are strongly determined, you can be what you want to be. No ‘problem’ can touch you, if you give your best!
You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that got you there
You just have to chase your dreams and have to believe in yourself no obstacle is bigger than your dreams. Staying under pressure would not help you so while preparing for any exams you need to chill out and believe in yourself. This positivity could take you long way.
Originally published at https://nvshq.org on August 26, 2020.